Call for Research Participants

Understanding the Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Acquired Brain injury (ABI)

WIH research includes an investigation on the nexus between intimate partner violence (IPV) and acquire brain injury (ABI). Approximately 1 in 4 Canadian women have a brain injury and very few receive treatment or support. Police, legal, and medical services lack knowledge of the high rates of ABI and therefore are ill equipped to respond appropriately. Equally, most violence against women shelters lack the knowledge of how to screen for and respond to ABI.  Our survivor-led research documents the symptoms, challenges and barriers for survivors of IPV and ABI and is developing a survivor handbook to local services, as well as an education packet for local service providers to address this under recognized problem.

Research Study Details

  • Who: Women who have experienced intimate partner violence and head trauma.

  • When: Three sessions, 1.5 hours each.

  • Compensation: $100/ session

Group Discussions Include

  • Challenges of living with brain injury

  • Learning about brain injury and the effects

  • Exploring available services

This Research Study is currently on going. If you feel this program is right for you, please connect.

We're thankful to the Shoppers Foundation for Women's Health for their financial support to this project and their dedication to women's health initiatives nationwide.

Additional Service Information

  • We're committed to making sure that everyone who needs our services can access them without barriers, and we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

  • All women, with or without dependents, who experience violence and/or abuse will be provided access to emergency shelter services, regardless of their ability, race, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, ethno-cultural background, First Nation, Métis, or whether they identify as two-spirited, cisgender or transgender women.

  • Services in English or French. Other languages or interpreters available upon request.

Other Services

Crisis Call or Drop-In

24 hour support to connect you with immediate help

Shelter Program

Seek refuge from violent or abusive relationships

Transitional and Housing Support

Guidance for a life change in relation to housing

Support Groups

Connect with others experiencing similar situations

Child Witness Program

Safe and supportive counselling for children

County Outreach

Support brought right to you, throughout the county